The health and safety of our conference participants is our first priority. After evaluating the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, MWP2020 Local Organization Committee has decided to hold the 2020 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics as a Virtual Conference from November 24th to 26th.
MWP is the primary conference for the technical exchange of the latest research in the microwave photonics technologies, which include the interactions between optical and radio waves for the generation, processing, control and distribution of microwave, millimeter-wave and terahertz frequency signals.
We are pleased to announce the plenary talks, tutorials, technical presentations, and posters. We are honored to have four plenary talks by Prof. Bahram Jalali, Prof. Andreas Stöher, Dr. Nicolas Rouger, and Prof. Robert A. Minasian, which cover recent microwave photonics technologies including optical control of power devices and physics-AI symbiosis. Tutorial session covers “Terahertz metrology” focusing on how to trust your free-space measurements down to microwaves. Technical sessions will be presented using a web conferencing platform from Tokyo on Japan Standard Time. We have 7 invited talks. The poster sessions will be presented using a web conferencing platform “E-poster system”.
This conference is organized and sponsored by the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) of Japan, and is cooperatively sponsored by Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research Foundation (SCAT) and Murata Science Foundation. The conference is also technically sponsored by IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) and IEEE Photonics Society (IPS).
Again, we welcome and thank you for your contributions to MWP2020
Virtual Conference. We hope you will enjoy an exciting conference with
the technical program remotely.

General Chair:
Yuichi Kado, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
Dalma Novak, Pharad LLC, USA
Stavros Iezekiel, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Jun Terada, NTT, Japan